Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hi Everyone! 
        Well, it's been another interesting week so far as we continue to get used to and settle in to life here in Hamilton.  The apartment is really starting to come together in a way that Matthew and I are both happy with. Every day we get a little bit more done and a little closer to the apartment being our home. I will be taking pictures and posting them in the next few days hopefully (once we get it a bit more cleaned up and the last things unpacked! :) )  
         Monday was a bit of a relaxed day.  Hamilton pretty much closes down on holidays so many of the grocery stores were closed and the little street we live by with all the shops was pretty dead all day. We stayed in for most of the day and just tackled more things in the apartment.  Tim came for dinner and a hair cut on Monday as well. 
        Tuesday morning I got up on time for the first time in quite a while and I walked over to Tim's house so that he could show me the way to the downtown Hamilton farmer's market.  It's in a mall in Jackson Square and you could find pretty much everything you need to live there!  It was my first time at a farmers market and I loved it! I stocked up on fruits, vegetables and cheeses and then wished that I had taken Matt along so he could function as a sort of pack mule... :P The market is about a half hour walk from home so I had to make sure I would be able to carry whatever I bought back to the apartment. I will definitely be going back to the farmers market! When we got back from the market I had one of Tim's friends over for a hair cut and then Matt and my brothers moved in our wonderful free couch! We had to rearrange the living area a bit to be able to fit the couch in but it is really nice to have a comfortable place to relax at the end of the day!
        Wednesday was Matthew's orientation day at MacDiv.  I drove him there at 9:30 and he was there until 4:00. He said it went really well and he came home much more excited about the program then when he left. While he was gone I headed off to do some shopping. I headed to Wal-Mart first to get some more household items and then I tackled my first official big grocery shopping trip. It was interesting as they don't have any of the same grocery stores here and I didn't even know where to start! I ended up at a supermarket called "Fortino's" and was able to get us stocked up for the next couple weeks! I'm actually starting to feel like a real wife now. :) I also found out about a little market from Tim that sells JUGS OF MILK for the same price as bags!!! Yay! It's within walking distance of our place so no more milk bags for us! :) After I picked up Matthew we headed out to the town of Grimsby to take a look at a dresser we had found out about on Kijiji. $50 later and we have a beautiful 6 drawer dresser with a mirror. YAY!
        This morning started out similar to yesterday. I drove Matthew to school for his first class at 10:30 and I will be leaving in a bit to go meet him after class. We are then heading off to the bookstore to get his textbooks for the semester. And then it's off to the bank and some more errands. 
        My resume is done and I have sent out a couple e-mails. Matt will be hooking up the printer later on and then I will be printing of resumes and hitting the streets looking for work first thing next week. Your prayers for employment for me would be great! 
        Well, I'm off to finish up the laundry and then pick up my hubby. Before I sign off, here are some pictures from our trip out here. Have a great day everyone!

Mackinaw Bridge Michigan

The water here was BEAUTIFUL!!

Matt enjoying the water!

Ummm.... not sure of the name of this bridge! But it's the one that is the border crossing from Michigan into Sarnia, ON


  1. Wow, you sure saw some beautiful scenery when you traveled!! Too funny about the jugs of milk!! At least they're the same price! Glad things are settling well for both of you. I mailed an envelope full of mail for you and your bro and bro in law this morning. Should get it next week sometime.
    We have been praying for you for a job and will continue to do so.
    <3 U

  2. Hey there. Glad to read that you are into the wifey role. Matt needs it and you'll be good at it:) And about the bags of milk, one day you will looking for room in your fridge and you will noticed a JUG of milk with only a CUP of milk in it. You will wish you had gone with bags. (Think of me when this happens, but you don't need to call.)
