Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Hello! And welcome to December!
        Is it just me or has 2010 FLOWN by? I can't believe that Matt is already wrapping up his first semester of seminary and that we will both hopefully be back home visiting in less than 3 weeks! We are both getting very excited for Matt to write that last exam and then to get ready for our trips. I hope to pack most of my stuff in the car with Matt and Eric (and maybe Tim!) and then just have a carry-on or two when I fly out the next week. We'll see how that goes!
        This week has been a pretty busy one. Not as much for me as for Matt! He had an entirely exhausting week and got by on very little sleep! Two nights he was up past three or four and then Thursday he pulled an all nighter to get his paper done and handed in on Friday. He was EXHAUSTED by the time Friday night rolled around, but he's catching up on sleep this weekend. He is done all of his papers now, has his last class on Wednesday and then his last exam is Dec. 14 so we're just looking forward to then. :) 
We had a really great day yesterday. We both slept in nice and late before heading out for a date day! We left equipped with Christmas shopping lists, grocery shopping lists and plans to not head back home until we were entirely successful. And we did great! We hit up the mall here in Hamilton which has a huge selection of stores and crossed item after item off of our lists. Success! Then we headed to the grocery store for the bi-weekly shopping trip. The majority of grocery shopping trips I tackle on my own... and now I know why! Men are just not efficient grocery shoppers!!! Matt gets sucked in by every sale sign, new product and food display. Throughout the trip I heard things like "Hey hon, they have Depends on sale. We should get some!" to which I replied "Dude, neither of us wear Depends! We don't need Depends! Just because somethings on sale, doesn't mean we need to buy it!" (Note: this might be a slight exaggeration... :P) We headed to the soap/body wash aisle because he was out of his body wash. I thought we would just walk down the aisle, pick out the one he's been using, and then continue on. But once he saw the great selection of men's body wash, as well as prices varying from $3.99-$5.49, we had to stop and smell them ALL! And then compare the sizes verses the prices. Finally a selection was made! :) Later on, in a different aisle, he was slowing us down again and I said "Jeepers, I should've left you at home. This would go much quicker!" An older lady overheard and laughed and then said "I just sent my husband to go sit down and have a coffee so I can get shopping done!" Turns out this isn't a new problem. :P Matthew and I actually have a great time shopping together but it was amusing to me how it took me almost twice as long! :)
        We got home in time to make some finger food for dinner and then began setting up our Christmas tree. We played Christmas music, ate some yummy food and set about making our apart ready for the season. Then I began wrapping the gifts we bought while he watched the Oilers game. It was a really nice "date day"!
        Here's some pictures from our tree decorating. Definitely doesn't look like anything from a magazine, but when you're working with a budget and dollar store decorations, you do what you can! :P
Before Photo!
Hubby stringing the lights!
Enjoying some yummy eats.
Taking turns with the decorations.
Some of our favourite decorations. Got this one from Matthew last year.
Reminder of our 2 favourite kids.
New ornament for this year! :)
Sure love me some Tim Hortons! 
Us with our first Christmas tree!
Later on with some of the gifts waiting to be brought to Alberta. :)
Every year for as long as I can remember my mom has bought us chocolate advent calendars  and this year was no different! Here they are displayed on our wall for my ma to see. :)
        Well, that's all folks! We're still waiting for the first official snow fall of the year. We've had a couple flakes fall here and there, but nothing that sticks around! We'll see what the next couple weeks have in store for us!
        Hope you are all enjoying the start to the Christmas season. 
Much Love,
M & J


  1. I had to laugh when you were talking about shopping. With Mitchell and I, I am always the one that is taking forever and checking everything out and he gets really frustrated and tells me to hurry up! Your tree looks great! It's weird to see it looking so festive at home when it is getting so hot here!


  2. all looks great...the ornament of the kids is great :) and Go Tim's!!! Glad you guys have your own little tree. Who cares if they have fancy things on it :) it's the time together that counts! Looking forward to you guys coming! Hope you see some snow soon! :)

  3. oh how i love your tree,
    and all the presents underneath for me.
    it'll be great when you arrive home,
    through the drifts of snow you sure can roam.
    glad you guys are doing great.
    your arrival home? well i can hardly wait!

    i love you guys

  4. Your tree looks great! I love the First Christmas ornament! As to the "few flakes here and there"..... that's no way to talk about your brothers!! ;-) Looking forward to the arrival of you all!!
    PS David has the same calendar as Matt!!

  5. Jacquie I like that Matt helped you decorate the tree. The extent of Mike helping me is bring the tree up from the basement. Oh well, I'm kinda anal about Christmas decorations so it's probably better off this way. Good luck these next few weeks. If you have a spare minute while you're here I would love to see you!


  6. Hey!!! Looks awesome! You'll have to come check ours out when you're here :) Along with the tummy :P Can't wait to see ya! Hang in there for a little bit longer. Good luck for the next week or so and hugs from us to you guys!
    Jake and Linda
